Wednesday, October 31, 2007

moved to :)

*hugs* the old tree. byebye old friend.

Posted by Dominic at 10:48 AM

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I realised recently that, and it came as a heavy jolt of exasperation, there exists in no small amounts, people who see their world in shades of bigotry.

how else do you explain statements like "repealing 377A is the first step of a radical, political agenda which will subvert social morality" being expressed in parliament? in one breathe NMP Thio Li-ann linked how repealing 377a is akin to criminalsing the bible and koran, and yet she conveniently neglects mentioning that buddhism, which is more concerned with goodwill and harmfree actions, and Hinduism does not condemn homosexuality. and NONE of these religions believe in imposing their views on others.

This one wins for sure, where the author of the above quote compared sexual freedom to our eco system. and yes, delivered in the same 'i'm right and you're wrong' fashion "‘Conservative’ here is not a dirty word connoting backwardness; environmental conservation protects our habitat; the moral ecology must be conserved to protect what is precious and sustains a dynamic, free and good society." this is a parliamentary debate. try not to bring the lols.

she also said that repealing the section would be akin to "copy(ing) the sexual libertine ethos of the wild wild West". but she fails to realise that 377a was a direct inheritance of western law. In fact, most asian countries like HK, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Japan, thailand do not have such laws incriminating homosexual acts. Her championing its retention is then considerably ironic if the sexual ethos of the east was her goal.

She next downplays the liberal argument and says that "victims include both the immediate parties and third parties. What is done in ‘private’ can have public repercussions.". but fails to state what these 'public repercussions' are. i have to admit, i tried to envision her having sex and it scared me. unthinkable. BUT I DO NOT JUDGE! so dont judge people that have different sexual practices. public repercussions are a direct result of public actions and therefore sometimes require laws to regulate if third parties are harmed. like smoking in public and second hand smoke. private and consensual sex do not fall in that realm just as smoking is not banned in the privacy of one's home.

In the same breath, she also mentioned that "Science has become so politicized that the issue of whether gays are ‘born that way’ depends on which scientist you ask. You cannot base sound public philosophy on poor politicized pseudo ‘science’. Homosexuality is a gender identity disorder". oh please, comparing decades old psychiatric research as "pseudo" science in order to further her homophobic agenda. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality as a disorder in 1973. The World health Organisation and Chinese Society of Psychiatry, among other medical institutions, have since followed suit. I wouldn't count research as one of her strong points. Though her persecutory disposition happens to fall under a type of Delusional Behaviour under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), but who am i to judge?

Next, she asserts that "public health and safety is a legitimate purpose served by the 377A ban on homosexual anal and oral sex.Both these practices are efficient methods of transmitting sexual diseases and AIDs / HIV which are public health problems." But had she simply asked around medical professionals, she would have realized that such diseases are not transmitted solely by oral or anal sex, nor contained in the homosexual community. In fact, a vast majority of new HIV infections are transmitted by heterosexual sex, drug use or mother to child transmission (MTCT). The grand fallacy of her statement is also in the assumption that the criminalizing it would lessen it's occurance. If aids prevention were her agenda, as she tries to portray, she would have already learnt that it is precisely this law that prevents Action of Aids in Singapore from distributing condoms and pamphlets promoting safe sex between men. you so ignorant Miss Thio!

but what i find most disturbing, apart from her argumentative fallacies and philosophical hypocrisy is her choice of hate words. "moral repugnancy of homosexuality", "pernicious", that homosexuality should be equated with promiscuity and hedonism, equating homosexual sex with incest and adultery and pedophilia. so much hate, hate-mongering and ignorance, these words hurt people, and it is reminiscent of the court-yard taunts one receives in primary school, only more vile and calculated since it is coming from an academic so respected in position.

as much as i respect her views, well, everyone has one, no one should be allowed to spew such hate as she does, especially not in the context of a parliament parliamentery debate. it makes me wonder where such hatred comes from. for some reason, i keep thinking of the final scene in American Beauty where the homophobic father finally comes out crying and hugging his gay neighbour. are you gay Miss Thio? self-hatred is such a terrible thing.

Posted by Dominic at 2:09 AM

Friday, October 19, 2007

i love this guy. took me awhile to find his cd, i went to 3 stores.. turns out only borders carries it, even then they have only one copy.

in a world of dark world of hip hop and sunday pop, hes a firefly. at last someone with soul and some vintage motown. so brilliant.

and.. dumbledore's gay. gosh. source:bbc news

he was awesome enough as it is.. good on him.

Posted by Dominic at 10:03 PM

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

if one day,
while crossing a street on a busy afternoon,
or sipping tea at a hip cafe,
we would meet, by chance,
amongst a sea of fleeting faces
and indifferent passersby.
forgive my looking surprised (for its been awhile).
nod (to let me know you're happy).
and i shall be content.
but tell me nothing
(for i do not want to know what i've missed).
and i will be on my way.

(with old wounds gaping new)

Posted by Dominic at 9:23 PM

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

hugs gandalf. his interview from singapore.

Posted by Dominic at 8:28 PM

IT'S TIME. The revolution starts now.

Section 377A in the Penal Code has been a relic from times when the Singapore Penal Code was drafted from it's Indian counterpart in 1871. In lay man's terms, it says that any male, who commits, or attempts to commit any act of 'gross indecency', even in private and voluntary, shall be liable to a jail term of up to 2 years.

Not only is it obviously dated, it is unfair and prejudiced and leaves homosexuals susceptible to threats, blackmail and harassment. Simply put, S.377A in its present form, cannot be justified. It didnt make sense to me in criminal law class, doesnt make sense to me now and, for the reasons above, it doesnt have a place in our penal code.

Last month, the minister for home affairs said "we are generally a conservative society and that we should let the situation evolve". it then leaves one to ponder who and what exactly have they been interviewing that constitutes their "conservative society". and if my grandma says i can have boyfriend, who are you to say i cant.

in april this year, MM Lee, when questioned on the city-state’s ban on gay sex, said to a youth rally -
"If in fact it is true, and I have asked doctors this, that you are genetically born a homosexual — because that's the nature of the genetic random transmission of genes — you can't help it. So why should we criminalise it?" and added that "It's a matter of time. But we have a part Muslim population, another part conservative older Chinese and Indians." yes sir. yes sir. also, the time is now.

Britain, Hong Kong and Australia have since repealed their laws incriminating gay sex in 1967, 1991, 1997 respectively. its our turn.

Join the fight at

to further illustrate the irony, they made me recite "To build a democratic society, Based on justice and equality. So as to achieve happiness, prosperity & progress for our nation" every morning since i was a lad. justice and equality indeed.

cue effectual video of sg thespians.

Posted by Dominic at 12:59 AM

sometimes you make me go speechless. i dont know why.. like that day at dinner? i really wanted to say something but there were so many people around. and so i kept quiet. and you were quiet too.

but oh! when we're alone! how animated we are. the jokes, the laughs, the shared grins and open thoughts. i love it. i love it to bits. how rare the camaraderie.

how rare this love of the comrade.

Posted by Dominic at 12:18 AM

Saturday, October 13, 2007

get me his CD for christmas because you love me :) also, happy Coming Out Day 2007!

Posted by Dominic at 10:37 AM

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

im gonna ramble a bit.

everytime i talk to my dad, the conversation inevitable turns to a topic that i have absolutely no interest in. 'a girlfriend'. i do have girlfriends but not one. and seriously, my sexual life is not something i wanna discuss, str or not, to anyone, especially not to my dad. and i do understand why he's asking. i think if i have a son and he told me he was gay, i'll be like, "are you fucking kidding me? that's not funny." because, fatherhood would simply not be complete without being able to sing to your son to "find a girl, settle down, if you want, you can marry." ^^

my grandma used to tell me, "dont get a girlfriend ah.. they just want your money". haha, yea, like im filthy rich. this was in secondary school. part of me knew that what she said isnt true, not all girls want money. part of me knew what she said was true, that i was too young to know about love. and a part of me was secretly gleeful that i was gonna obey her in my own way.

went to izumi's bdae party last weekend. most of her other guests were japanese that i didnt know. but it was awesome. had coffee with gladys after that. exams in 4 weeks. stress is getting to me.

happy birthday william, joan, and mom. <3<3<3

Posted by Dominic at 5:18 AM

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


hopefully the 1988 massacre doesn't happen again. and theres a high probability it will. hopefully no harm comes to them. these monks too awesome. wish im there.

been praying, which is something i havent been doing for a while. seriously hope nothing bad comes to pass. no massacres on our watch.

Posted by Dominic at 2:26 AM

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

there are some people so inclined to gossip, so quick to put the meek down, living with a shell of superficiality, preening, pecking, posing, in a hurry to show pedigree. so hollow, yet their possessions and proud dispositions procure them a posse of pretentious patrons, so prone to partiality to their principle, and so eager to please. perposterous, i know, and pathetic.

i hope i'll never become like them. it disappoints me that you are.

Posted by Dominic at 2:26 AM

Sunday, September 16, 2007

It may be laid down as a general rule that if a man begins to sing, no one will take any notice of his song except his fellow human beings. This is true even if his song is surpassingly beautiful. Other men may be in raptures at his skill, but the rest of creation is, by and large, unmoved. Perhaps a cat or a dog may look at him; his horse, if it is an exceptionally intelligent beast, may pause in cropping the grass, but that is the extent of it. But when the fairy sang, the whole world listened to him. Stephen felt clouds pause in their passing; he felt hills shift and murmur; he felt cold mists dance. He understood for the first time that the world was not dumb at all but waiting for someone to speak to it in a language it understands.

--excerpt from 'Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell'.

Posted by Dominic at 2:40 AM

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Posted by Dominic at 12:24 AM

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

i've had, for a few years now, this voice inside me going "are we there yet? are we there yet?" and the answer has always been no.

and lately, as liberating as an assiduous man who's paid his debts, and as heartily as a child picks himself up after scraping his knees, and as slowly and surely as the sun shining after the rain, "yes".. "Yes".. "YES".

about time.

Posted by Dominic at 4:29 PM

Friday, August 24, 2007

His face is a map of the world
Is a map of the world
You can see he's a beautiful girl
He's a beautiful girl
And everything around him is a silver pool of light
The people who surround him feel the benefit of it
It makes you calm
He holds you captivated in his palm

KT Tunstall's Suddenly I see
(gender changed.)

Posted by Dominic at 11:30 PM

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

ok, this is gonna make me sound like a nerd. i was reading some stuff the other day and then i thought about games i played in my childhood. this was at a time when games were 2d and 3d was state of the art. but im all for a good story. dont think many will appreciate this list but i remember these games being awesome.

1) Final Fantasy 7 - I love the story line, the characters were the shit, Aeris' death shook my world. (shes a good person, shes not supposed to die!! whats wrong with this game!) a ton of secrets to explore, people to find. a epic as it gets with a story on regret, love, loss and saving the world. you'll laugh and you'll cry. i tried a few years ago to get into it again but sadly the dated graphics made it unplayable.

2) Final Fantasy tactics - Awesome art, great job design and i like games that make you think. and there are jobs called dancer and bard. funny.

3) Shining Force 2 - I played it when i was 10. ton of secrets, interesting characters. it got me hooked to gaming. basket.

4) Chrono Trigger - awesome story line. its been so long i forgot what it was. :( time travel i think.

5) Final Fantasy 9 - I fell in love with a character called Vivi, a little mute dark mage in the story, named him sappho and grew protective of him. he was pretty much the only attraction of the game. he didnt have a face though.

6) Super Mario Kart for the snes and Goldeneye for nintendo64. serious fun for playing with siblings.

7) everquest. it's like crack. stay away. for the record, my first character was a pale skinned high elf enchanter. I swear he had eyeshadow on. but i wanted to be an enchanter.

good times.

Posted by Dominic at 9:13 PM

Monday, August 13, 2007

"I get by with a little help from my friends."
- John Lennon

Posted by Dominic at 2:03 AM

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Well, I have lost you; and I lost you fairly;
In my own way, and with my full consent.
Say what you will, kings in a tumbrel rarely
Went to their deaths more proud than this one went.
Some nights of apprehension and hot weeping
I will confess; but that's permitted me;
Day dried my eyes; I was not one for keeping
Rubbed in a cage a wing that would be free.
If I had loved you less or played you slyly
I might have held you for a summer more,
But at the cost of words I value highly,
And no such summer as the one before.
Should I outlive this anguish—and men do—
I shall have only good to say of you.

this one by millay has been haunting me, playing at the back of my head the last few days. im no fun to hang around with when im a sad sob.

Posted by Dominic at 1:08 AM

jeremy's new poem. my favourite so far. awesome stuff. check out the others, link on the right ---->


i grow suspicious (sometimes)
when raindrops trickle
on my head; i'd wonder
if i were hearing voices;
growing madder every
minute; or if it was
just the wheel inside
my head: tripping
on its cogs. but if
it was just a subjunctive
moment; so striking
a cause to think
i'm unhinged; so intimate
with the breath
of insanity: these showers
take me to another
universe- hardly beyond
my reach.

Posted by Dominic at 12:59 AM

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

a friend over here once told me over dinner, "once i graduate, im never fucking going back." this came from a guy who dropped out of jc, with the tag ''O' level graduate' pinned to his name in the army, a guy whose teacher once told him that he's "never gonna make it". so basically, where the education system in singapore, where people bloody view a person's worth by their alma mater, failed him, australia adopted and said yes.

he had his results last semester, he topped his college here, topped the nation in geography, and yet he cant forget the time he visited melbourne uni, met a singaporean in the basketball court, and that guy asked him "so which jc were you from?" to which he cheerily replied "yishun". the guy then gave look accompanied with a disdainful "oh".

btw, my friend is, in my opinion, cooler, fucking hot, more articulate and nicer than any guy from any 'elite' school i know in sg. so that slip of an "oh" pretty much represented whats wrong in that singapore mentality.

so here i am, in melbourne uni, and people ask me all the time what secondary school i was from. seriously, does it matter? it was SO many years ago. and for the record, it was Ngee Ann Secondary School. i remember having a bloody good time and that batch was made up of some really awesome people who i still care for today. so, no, that 'oh' won't do.

an ex of mine is so proud of his 'elite' boys school alma mater when he positively had a miserable time there. hmm, homophobia sucks people.

so much for a name..

bah. Happy Birthday Singapore.

Posted by Dominic at 10:59 PM

Monday, August 06, 2007

i know this is kinda random but ive often wondered if couturiers like lagerfeld and mcqueen etc design everything or they have a posse of designers designing their work but they provide the theme and direction cause there is s/s and a/w collections as well as haute couture collections etc, thats kinda alot of design work for one guy. also who sews them cause there really is alot to sew for clients all over the world, do they outsource, do old italian men in dusty workshops sew the leather and old ladys hand craft the embroidery. well, this series is, personally, super fascinating.

in episode 4, theres this lonely old lady by the name of Mme Pouzieux who is a farmer and lives in the countryside who does the trademark braiding for chanel, and whom i find really endearing. theres something resilient about her which makes me wanna get to know her. its awesome that a big name designer has to ask the help of a farmer to get her braids. its kinda like a fairytale where the girl spins gold from yarn.

schools been good for me. its been 10fold more fun than last semester which isnt saying much and i gotten close to a jap called tomoka, and a group of hongky friends to hang out with so lectures and tutes arnt as monotonous.

i took aus flora and fauna as my elective. its super boring. they're at the flora part now and i go through his lecture hearing him talk about the arid aussie weather and about prickly pears and cacti. you can go in the lecture room wide eyed and high like this (0.o) and everyone walks out (-.-) i cant wait for the animal part.

been thinking bout grandma lately but it fustrates me when i call because we cant have a conversation cause she cant hear me on the phone. a r g h.

Posted by Dominic at 6:53 PM

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I know you read this.

thanks. this winterbreak has been one of the most memorable. you really turned my life around, showed me whats important.

I said that you werent one of those people what i would drop everything for.
well, i can honestly say,

i realise now that you are,

one of those people,

that i would drop

everything for.

thanks for a memorable holiday.

Posted by Dominic at 2:17 AM

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Who's gonna tell you when
It's too late
Who's gonna tell you things
Aren't so great
You can't go on
Thinking nothing's wrong, but bye
Who's gonna drive you home tonight
Who's gonna pick you up
When you fall
Who's gonna hang it up
When you call
Who's gonna pay attention
To your dreams
Who's gonna plug their ears
When you scream
You can't go on
Thinking nothing's wrong
Who's gonna drive you home tonight
Who's gonna hold you down
When you shake
Who's gonna come around
When you break
You can't go on
Thinking nothing's wrong
Who's gonna drive you home tonight
Oh you know you can't go on
Thinking nothing's wrong
Who's gonna drive you home tonight

Posted by Dominic at 7:02 PM

Saturday, June 23, 2007

im looking for baggage that goes with mine.

Posted by Dominic at 1:28 AM

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

gandalf speaks <3. he makes so much sense it hurts.

Posted by Dominic at 10:55 PM

lol. received this funny sms from this random guy.

"Dom Dom! U smell like flowers in a field where happy people live. :)"

gotta love random smses when you're dying from studying.

Posted by Dominic at 12:38 AM

Monday, June 04, 2007

got home from school one late night and for some reason i suddenly start missing my army buddy. miss sharing food, fooling around and talking late into the night and spilling my guts out on everything. man.. times were always so good when you look back at time.

Posted by Dominic at 9:55 PM

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Posted by Dominic at 2:08 PM

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

grateful for the good times.

Posted by Dominic at 3:02 AM

Monday, May 28, 2007

tagged by elaine :)

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
i was 15 and going through puberty. probably thinking bout the birds and the bees. but not so much of the bees.

2. What were you doing 1 year ago?
preparing to ORD :) enjoying my last few days in camp as well as getting ready for melbourne.

3. 5 snacks you enjoy
i. cherry-ripe candy bars.
ii. siglap's vadai.
iii. old chang kee cause they dont have it here

4. 5 songs to which you know your lyrics off your head right now.
i. If you dont know me by now by simply red.
ii. Never been to me by charlene
iii. Superwoman by karen white
iv. The way your look tonight by Frank Sinatra
v. Eternal flame by the bangles

i guess you can tell what era i was born in.

5. 5 things you would do if you were a millionaire
i. Invest,
ii. grin to myself, then
iii. probably give everyone some and pay off my student loans.

6. 5 bad habits
i. I have none.

who am i kidding.. i procastinate too much. my room could also be a bit neater.

7. 5 things you like doing
i. sit on my balcony on a rainy day and have a hot cuppa tea.
ii. seeing a familiar face in this jungle that is melb uni.
iii. laughing.
iv. reading.
v. have a nice dinner/chat with an old friend.

8. 5 things you will never wear, buy or get new again
i. Tsubi jeans. one is enough.
ii. army no. 4 cause im proud of my worn ones.
iii. i will never wear fur or buy fur.
iv. hotpants.

9. 5 favourite toys
i. the last toy i had was a ps2, but i stopped playing that a while ago.

Posted by Dominic at 5:15 PM

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

who is this guy?
finally someone who understands that patriotism does not equal to war. this guy is a breath of fresh air in american politics. its sad that common sense has to be expressed so vehemently and yet still met with criticism by nationalistic americans. yes a conservative foreign policy is the way to go. respect for being the voice of common sense. bravo man.

on a side note, he looks like my grandpa and gandalf combined.

Posted by Dominic at 9:24 AM

Sunday, May 20, 2007

got tagged by basil! erm, ok, here are 6 weird things about myself no one knows. ok here we go.

1) i like rainy days best.

2) when i was young, my family couldnt tell me and my twin brother apart. i had to point to the mole on my right arm and say "du!" and they'll be like "ooh yeah thats dom."

3) the longest length of time i went without a bath was 4 days on my dad's yatch. i itched like crazy on the fourth day. for that reason, if i joined survivor, i doubt i would complete one week in it without bathing.

4) i like my vegies. a picture of a nice bowl of salad could get me salivating.

5) im a student by day, the purple-ninja-sailor-boy by night. i steal from the filthy rich and give to the poor. i also use the money to by Dsquared2 clothing.

6) i can run nonstop for 21 km. hope to try a full marathon before i get to old to do it. :)

ok, i'll tag joan, elaine and livia next.

Posted by Dominic at 8:28 PM

im gonna do shout outs today!!

Shoutout to

William: Hey man, hope Manchester's treating you well. you're eatting well i hope. not getting to see you at all this year is sad lar..
Tissa: cant wait for you to get here.
Xian: miss the old days. we've grown up, how did that happen?
Wenkai: hows the plan going?
Livia: thanks for your help with the french oral!
matt: <3

Posted by Dominic at 4:18 AM

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Exerpt from Time magazine that i found enthralling.

"Several years ago, I was strolling through an old neighbourhood of Shanghai when I spied a scrum if men carrying something out of a darkened doorway. It was a rattan chair on which sat a very agitated granny. She was one of the last holdouts refusing to leave her house, which was scheduled to be torn down to make way for XinTianDi, Shanghai's sprawling outdoor shopping-and-restaurant development. As she was born out, like some parody of an imperial courtesan in a eunuch-shouldered sedan chair, the mao-suited woman kept screaming a phrase in Shanghainese. I asked a friend what it meant. "Remember history," she told me."

Remember history. Amidst the soul-less new buildings that sprung up in the city district, I wonder how many stories are lost or what her story is.
The article resonated on so many levels, one of which is that it made me recall something i saw in beijing in 1997.(i forgot everything else about beijing). There was this elderly woman shouting in the middle of the street "chase the japanese soldiers out" repeatedly and passionately. Particularly traumatised (i was 14, i was easily so), i knew she obviously suffered under the Japanese.

so i wondered what they did to her, or what made her not let go of the past and realise that the war ended a long time ago and i wished she was warm in her bed and drinking tea as old women ought to. and it bothered me that people were ignoring her like she was a crazy women. mostly i want to go up to her and tell her "it's ok..." but a 14 year old boy has his limitations and i didnt do anything. i wonder how she is now..

anyway the point of this post is.. what happens to us when we die? i havent even found out stuff about my grandma.. you think you know someone but there are so many things you dont. what happens to the poetry she sprouts on occasion? what do i do with the red eggs if i get married? or is it for child births? how do you use a spoon to scratch your back again? how do you boil that seahorse soup thats so good for the skin? did she come to malacca from china alone? was grandpa her first love? (gasp) shes so innocent yet so worldwise yet not hardened and so full of love for people.. if living were like monopoly, shes got the train stations and the water works and park lane and park mall etc. she won. that was a bad analogy, i dont know what the point of monopoly is really. how do you win monopoly? it just goes on and on doesnt it? but not like life. who will remember history when we die or get removed from our possessions?

wow what an emo post..

Posted by Dominic at 7:54 PM

Friday, April 13, 2007

late night msn with my favourite ah beng.

pfft. says (3:51 AM):not sleeping ah
Dommy says (3:52 AM):soon.. going market later n going library.. i scared for bio and monday got french test
pfft. says (3:53 AM):lampa lah bio die liao
pfft. says (3:53 AM):gg
pfft. says (3:53 AM):i tio triple kill
pfft. says (3:53 AM):math phy bio
pfft. says (3:53 AM):i dunno my respawn time how long
pfft. says (3:53 AM):sian
Dommy says (3:53 AM):lol!
pfft. says (3:53 AM):serious

Posted by Dominic at 1:52 AM

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Alanis Morrisette "my humps"

reminds me why i was such a big fan in the first place. brilliant. She released it as a april fools joke. too bad she had to deal with the dumb lyrics. still, /bow

Posted by Dominic at 2:11 AM

Lol. wtf.

Posted by Dominic at 1:50 AM

Saturday, March 17, 2007

变成了一个影 隐藏了自己
爱情困难呼吸 我是沉默玩具
执着对你无限情 模糊我自己
不愿深深把爱情 输了你的游戏
你要逃 对街拥抱 我看到. :'(

Posted by Dominic at 11:24 PM

She's awesome!!

Posted by Dominic at 11:05 PM

Monday, March 12, 2007

I remember when i was a kid, late one night, when i was about 10 years old, i was crying, i dont remember why. All i remembered from that night was crawling into grandma's bed bawling my eyes out and having her tell me, "silly boy, how can anyone live without love."

Fast forward to 15 years later. Her silly boy has grown up now.

To my dearest Grandma, Happy 90th Birthday.

Posted by Dominic at 7:18 PM

Monday, February 26, 2007

sorry i havent posted in a while. been really busy, spending time in singapore. Also today was the first day of University. Finally, I couldnt stop smiling all day. Melbourne University. Finally Finally.

I end this post with eva cassidy. try not to cry.

Posted by Dominic at 11:30 PM

Thursday, January 11, 2007

went to a pet shop this afternoon after school. its in a quiet corner near the victoria market. on the ground level, they sold dog and cat stuff like collars, chew bones, food etc and at the back were puppies. terriers, mini schnauser, maltese mixes, etc.

i was looking at the puppies and then it dawned on me why people get pets. ive been lucky, ever since i was a toddler, theres always a dog in the family. shan shan, bill, shan shan's 4 children, including ah don, and now feebee.

ah don used to sleep in my room with me. i remember coming back from clubbing nights, and seeing ah don awake and waiting for me on the 1st floor, barking at me for coming home so late. and then follow me to the second floor where our room is.

at around 6am, when my mom gets up for her shift, she would open my door to let her out, and she would crawl out of the house, go under the gate and pee outside by the road by herself, then sleepy eyed, climb the stairs again, scratch on my door, i'll open it, and we both go back to sleep until my class at 10.

i miss those days.

or how she didnt need a leash when we walked her. she would run ahead and every few secs, look behind to make sure we're there, then run ahead some more.

or how once she licked the backside of the kittens we picked up. i didnt know why she was doing that and at that time i stopped her. i only recently learnt that it was so the kittens could shit or pee. thats what the mother cats do.

or how she liked car rides, and she would run into people's cars and refuse to get out until they placate her by driving round the carpark once.

i miss her.
she turned out more human than some. and thats why people have dogs.

Posted by Dominic at 9:30 PM

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

one more try.

I've had enough of danger
And people on the streets
I'm looking out for angels
Just trying to find some peace
Now I think it's time
That you let me know
So if you love me
Say you love me
But if you don't just let me go...

'Cos teacher
There are things that I don't want to learn
And the last one I had
Made me cry
So I don't want to learn to
Hold you, touch you
Think that you're mine
Because it ain't no joy
For an uptown boy
Whose teacher has told him goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

Posted by Dominic at 12:10 AM

Friday, January 05, 2007

Donkey Cabbages.

Now, the huntsman said to himself "I have travelled for such a long time. i will take a rest for once, and entered that beautiful castle. I have certainly money enough." Nevertheless, the real reason was that he caught sight of that beautiful girl. He entered the house, and was well recieved and courteously entertained. Before long, he was so in love with the young witch that he no longer thought of anything else, and only saw things as she saw them.

Posted by Dominic at 1:46 AM

Friday, December 29, 2006

beautiful :)

Posted by Dominic at 2:04 AM

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

a few days ago a friend contacted me on friendster. on christmas day, she sent me a bunch of photos from primary school she kept. i never knew such photos existed and i cannot explain my excitement on seeing them. thats me and my friends!

lol. the best christmas gift ever.

Posted by Dominic at 12:56 AM

Sunday, December 24, 2006

im so in love with you.. its not funny.

Posted by Dominic at 12:35 AM

Sunday, December 10, 2006

lol, mr. brown show. hilarious.

"attend B bunk until medical board! excuse everything!" lol.

Posted by Dominic at 11:25 PM

There are a hundred places where I fear
To go,--so with his memory they brim!
And entering with relief some quiet place
Where never fell his foot or shone his face
I say, "There is no memory of him here!"
And so stand stricken, so remembering him!

edna st. vincent millay

Posted by Dominic at 11:24 PM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

You've been loved // Joseph Arthur

You don't know how you feel
Are you a dream?
Are you for real?
Cause you don't ever slow down
To find what you lost or lose
what you found

No one's saying what you need to hear
You've been loved You've been loved
You've been loved You've been loved
You've been loved You've been loved

It's always hard to admit
Most days you feel like you don't exist
Temptation sneaks past your fists
Until the devil won't let you resist
Oblivion is what you want

But you've been loved

Posted by Dominic at 4:40 AM